Saturday, June 23, 2018

New Haircut Short Story E-Book: Thrill Seeker

Been a while since I published one of these. I know they're not nearly as popular as my other stuff, but I do really enjoy writing them. So, for those of you who do read them, enjoy!

Thrill Seeker: A Haircut Story

Crystal is a beautiful young adrenaline junkie with a love of gambling, her long, gorgeous auburn mane her most prized possession. Bored and out of cash, she's desperate for any sort of excitement. After a number of women in her life seemingly fall victim to a mysterious scissor-happy hairstylist who works somewhere within the city, Crystal, seeking thrill, begins partaking in a dangerous gamble that involves risking her trademark red tresses. Will her quest to achieve the ultimate high cost her the beautiful hair she so adores or will she get out of the game before it's too late?



  1. Really enjoy your haircut stories. They are amazing. I hope that you keep writing them. I've bought every one. Would be excited to chat if you're interested

  2. August! Haven't heard from you in almost a year! Can your fans (me very much included) expect anything soon? If you need help editing, I'm glad to do it gratis. I've edited more than a dozen published books. If you want, contact me at
